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- Create ; creating life or art, it doesn't matter, creating is a more than human pleasure, creating is the pastime of the gods..." (Irène Némirovsky)

practical information & contacts.
TheaterK. Company
Official website of Théâtre K.:
Identification and Activity
Siret number: 402 722 698 00055
APE code: 90.01Z
La Makina 29 rue Jules Ferry - 59260 Hellemmes Lille
Performing Arts Entrepreneur License 2: LR-2020-001926
Association RNA number: W595012858 -
Association law 1901.- - - Editing of the site: Compagnie du Théâtre K.
Host website
Wix - Wix Online Platform Limited - Address: 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland. - Phone: Please click here.
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